Thursday, November 6, 2003

new H2G2 radio series!!!!!!!


A six-part adaptation of Life, the Universe and Everything will be up first in the spring. This will be followed towards the end of 2004 by an eight-week serialisation combining So Long and Thanks for All the Fish with Mostly Harmless.


The Hitchhiker's production is set to re-unite six members of the original cast: Simon Jones, Geoffrey McGivern, Mark Wing-Davey, Susan Sheridan, Stephen Moore and announcer John Marsh. Those joining them will include William Franklyn as the voice of the Book and Richard Griffiths as Slartibartfast. The late Douglas Adams himself will appear as Agrajag (a cameo he favoured playing) thanks to recordings made for Dove Audio's unabridged book readings.

THIS IS AMAZING NEWS!!!! The original H2G2 radio series is my absolute favorite audio ever - I listen to my CDs and my mp3's of the entire 12-episode run at least once a month. I picked up the series on cassette when I was in London in 1996, and lost them in 2000 when my Jeep was stolen. My friend Murtz bought me the whole series on CD afterwards (for which I still owe him a thousand hours of indentured servitude). I've got virtually the entire thing committed to memory (would that I could reproduce the same feat with the Qur'an).

And it's INCREDIBLY significant that they got the original voice cast! Mark Wing-Davey as Zaphod and Geoffrey McGivern as Ford, Simon Jones as Arthur Dent - these people became their roles in a way that people who have only read the books simply cannot fathom.

It's a shame that Peter Jones has passed on - his voice was just as authentically The Guide - insanely long run-on sentences and all - as any of the above actors for their roles. I'm more than eager to see how Franklyn fills the role, he has large shoes.. er, larynx.. to fill.

Spring 2004!!!!!!

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