Friday, May 30, 2003

Drum on the debate over social spending

In the midst of an authoritative post about the tax burden on Americans over history, Kevin makes this key point:

Social Security and Medicare are expensive programs, and we should have a national debate about their future. The current round of tax cuts is part of that debate, but their impact is being obscured by tax cut zealots who are deliberately trying to create a crisis atmosphere in which it's "obvious" that we can't continue to fund these programs.

But we can. Repeal the Bush tax cuts and agree to a tax increase of 1% a year for the next 30 years and we can do it. If you don't think that's worth it, fine. Make your argument. But in any case, let's argue honestly and may the best argument win.

The problem is that there is no interest in a true debate with an eye towards finding the optimum course of policy. The true goal is maintenance of power. If there was any true concern for the country operating here then the GOP wouldn't have pulled a 180 on having deficits between now and the Contract with America.

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