Sunday, May 1, 2005

Hiatus' end

I successfully defended my PhD last monday, the 25th - some red tape ahead, and of course a search for gainful employment, but a major life journey has come to a close.

I'll be returning to blogging here at CoB and at Dean Nation. In addition, I'll be doing MRI-related blogging at Reference Scan. In celebration, I've turned off mandatory registration for the comments section, I'd very much like to rebuild the community of intelligent debate that used to thrive here before the real world intervened.

So anyway, that's my big announcement :)

PS - are/were you a regular reader, and have a blog of your own? Please leave your blog URL in the comments!

UPDATE - well, looks like open comments hasn't worked so well. Back to registration required.


  1. As I told you via e-mail already, congradulations!

    Good to have you back ...

  2. Congrats! I have to leave the world of academia shortly and enter the real world of work too. Should be interesting. :)
